








Gaza under heaviest bombing to date, a 'more hellish scenario is about to unfold'

The UN has warned that the death toll in Gaza is expected to rise quickly as a result of Israel's intensified bombing campaign and the spread of disease, lack of medical care and basic sanitation as a result of the siege

As the world calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, politicians continue to back Israel's war crimes

Since 7 October Israel has carried out a scorched earth campaign in Gaza, leaving no place for residents to hide. Calls for a ceasefire have been ignored by politicians, but they continue to grow.

In Gaza, civilians are Israel's targets

A month into Israel's genocidal bombing campaign of Gaza, civilians have nowhere to hide, to mourn their dead or escape the bloodshed. Yet senior Israelis care calling for more bombs to be dropped and Palestinians to be ethnically cleansed from their homes.

Gaza: Surviving without fuel, water or electricity

Three weeks into Israel's genocidal bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip, fuel supplies have run out. The lives of 2.3m Palestinians are now at risk not just as a result of the bombs but also because of the lack of fresh water & electricity. Will the world act to end the ethnic cleansing of Gaza?

Genocide in Gaza: Civilians, children, medical crews are the targets

Since Israel launched a military campaign against Gaza on 7 October 2023, women and children have been killed and medical crews targeted in what Palestinians and those watching have described as genocide; a second Nakba.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood sees Palestinian resistance enter Israeli towns

At 6am local time on Saturday 7 October the Palestinian resistance launched the Al-Aqsa Flood military operation against the Israeli occupation, quickly taking control of towns surrounding Gaza. Israel declared itself in a state of war and responded with missile attacks.

Palestinian anger as UAE formalises relations with Israel

Yesterday US President Donald Trump announced that he’d brokered a deal that would set the UAE and Israel normalise relations, begin trade and diplomatic ties. Follow MEMO’s blog to find out how the world is reacting, will another state be announcing a similar move?

Global outbreak of the coronavirus

As thousands die and tens of thousands are infected by the coronavirus which emerged in China's Wuhan province in January, MEMO keeps you abreast of the latest developments and how the endemic is affecting the Middle East and North Africa

Gaza in flames as Israel kills senior Islamic Jihad official

This morning Israeli warplanes killed senior Islamic Jihad military leader Bahaa Abul-Ata and his wife after it targeted their home in Gaza. His children and neighbour were injured in the attack. The house of the movement's senior political figure Akram Al-Ajjouri was also targeted in Syria. MEMO will be blogging about the repercussions of Israel's latest aggression against Palestinians.

Egypt: That's enough Sisi

Former army contractor Mohamed Ali has called for a million-man protest on the streets and in squares across Egypt today as discontent swells on the Egyptian street following accusations of corruption levelled at President Al-Sisi, his family and his inner circle.