








Palestinian anger as UAE formalises relations with Israel

Yesterday US President Donald Trump announced that he’d brokered a deal that would set the UAE and Israel normalise relations, begin trade and diplomatic ties. Follow MEMO’s blog to find out how the world is reacting, will another state be announcing a similar move?

Global outbreak of the coronavirus

As thousands die and tens of thousands are infected by the coronavirus which emerged in China's Wuhan province in January, MEMO keeps you abreast of the latest developments and how the endemic is affecting the Middle East and North Africa

Pal Festival 2020

Welcome to Middle East Monitor’s live blog of Pal Festival 2020. We will be live blogging this discussion on the war on Palestinian activism featuring Chris Nineham, Professor Kamel Hawwash, and Dr Anna-Esther Younes. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @MiddleEastMnt for photos and updates!

Iran attacks US bases in Iraq

The Palestine Question in Europe

Organised in partnership with EuroPal Forum, the conference will bring together some of the world’s leading experts on the subject to discuss issues related to the EU’s foreign policy and to assess their success over the years. The conference will discuss: The EU’s position on the major issues (settlements; refugees; borders, Jerusalem) related to the ongoing conflict; labelling settlement products as a case study in the effectiveness of EU policies towards Israel and Palestine; the rise of right-wing politics and its implications for the Israel-Palestine issue; the impact of Brexit on Palestinian advocacy; the debate around criticising Israel and assessing the impact of silencing discussion on Palestine.

Egypt: That's enough Sisi

Former army contractor Mohamed Ali has called for a million-man protest on the streets and in squares across Egypt today as discontent swells on the Egyptian street following accusations of corruption levelled at President Al-Sisi, his family and his inner circle.

Israel launches manhunt, storms the West Bank

“Peace to Prosperity” Conference in Bahrain

The “Peace to Prosperity” conference has kicked off in Bahraini capital Manama. Called by Senior Advisor to US President Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, the conference is intended to unveil the economic elements of his long-awaited “deal of the century”. Kushner opened the conference last night with a speech lauding the deal as “a framework for a brighter future […] a vision of what is possible with peace.” With a packed schedule of speakers today, MEMO will be live blogging all the latest updates.

Egypt after Morsi

Egypt’s first democratically elected civilian president Mohamed Morsi died in court yesterday after spending six years in jail. Morsi was ousted in a military coup by current leader Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi who has since returned Egypt to a military dictatorship. Held under numerous alleged charges including spying for foreign governments and attacking prison guards, the 67-year-old long complained of torture and abuse at the hands of his jailers and, as his health deteriorated in detention, his family repeatedly called for authorities to provide him health care or release him. Finally, he collapsed in court on 17 June 2019. Egypt is now bracing for a new wave of protests against the rule of Al-Sisi.

Gaza Under Attack

As communities across the world prepare to begin the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the people of Gaza are preparing for funeral prayers. At least 10 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli air strikes on Gaza this weekend, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing to continue air strikes. Follow the latest developments on the ground…