








Live: Public Accounts Committee on health and social care integration

Today's witnesses to give evidence to the public accounts committee: Chris Wormald, permanent secretary at the Department of Health; Jo Farrar, director general for local government and public service at the Department for Communities and Local Government; Simon Stevens, chief executive of NHS England, and Sarah Pickup, deputy chief executive of the Local Government Association.

Local Government Finance Bill

CLG adult social care inquiry

Live: Dawes and Ridley on DCLG

Casey quizzed on community cohesion

Live: PM probed on social care spending

Theresa May to appear before the Commons’ liason committee

Live: Simon Stevens on social care

NHS England’s chief executive Simon Stevens appears before the Commons communities and local government committee to discuss social care long with NHS Confederation chair Stephen Dorrell.

Autumn statement live

Live: Javid's first appearance before the CLG committee

Live: Louise Casey to face MPs on Troubled Families

Welcome to LGC’s live blog of today’s public accounts committee hearing in relation to the Troubled Families programme. Dame Louise Casey, director general of the Troubled Families team, along with the programme’s director Joe Tuke and the Department for Communities & Local Government’s permanent secretary Melanie Dawes, is due to provide evidence to MPs from 2.30pm.