Palestine's Million Man March to end the siege on Gaza

Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip are today gathering at the border fence for a Million Man March to mark the first anniversary of the Great March of Return. On 30 March 2018, tens of thousands of Gazans gathered for the first day of the march. Though originally planned to take place every Friday for six weeks, a year later the march has grown in momentum, despite Israel’s repeated attempts to quash the protests. To date, Israel has killed 273 protesters since the beginning of the Great March of Return, among them 51 children. Palestinians are braced for a violent response from Israel, which has been amassing troops, tanks and reserve aerial units along the Gaza fence. Earlier this week Israel bombed the coastal enclave, destroying civilian infrastructure including a mosque and tens of Palestinians’ homes. MEMO will be liveblogging developments throughout the day; stay tuned for the latest updates.

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